Friday, September 20, 2013

"poem" broadside #321: The First Thing the Typewriter did was Provide Evidence of Itself, by Sarah Mangold

As hard as they tried they could not stop

paying attention— Her profile —Her

Radcliffe affiliation —Her mentors—Facts

enough are cited—At every intersection —

Push pins and seams—Worried machines

Invisible operators—Phenomena to repeated

tests —Party to the very generation of

authoritative text—When and how much

the head and fingers worked

The First Thing the Typewriter did was Provide Evidence of Itself
by Sarah Mangold
above/ground press broadside #321
Sarah Mangold lives near Seattle, Washington and is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts 2013 Poetry Fellowship. She is the author of the forthcoming Electrical Theories of Femininity (Pavement Saw) and Household Mechanics (New Issues), selected for the New Issue Poetry Prize. Recent chapbooks include Parlor (above/ground press), Cupcake Royale (above/ground press, I Meant To Be Transparent (LRL e/editions), An Antennae Called the Body (Little Red Leaves Textile Editions).

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