The Ham Harp
Amelia Does
A Silence
Believe it, there is a piece of ham
stuck to his favourite rock
Just a roll, a rolled jam cake
Silence is like milk to me
Can you write about things
Other than good or bad?
I’m sure people do it every day
In Marakesh there’s a few now
Writing long dedications, endless scrolls
Illegible scrawling on sheep innards
Ever closer dangling out the turrets
Sitting in a window, no glass
No light but a pink orange sunset
Their world brimming with silence
published in Ottawa by above/ground press
October 2020
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy
cover illustration by the author
Amelia Does is an artist, filmmaker and writer from London, Ontario. Her poetry has been published by Proper Tales Press, Acta Victoriana, The Week Shall Inherit the Verse and Touch the Donkey. Amelia is author of essays and articles in Cineforum Italia, Senses of Cinema and Incite Journal of Experimental Media. She has self-published six books, six chapbooks and oversaw monthly and quarterly zine publications. Amelia has produced and consulted for several award-winning feature documentaries, and has recently begun a new video series called “Art Life”.
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