Tuesday, January 24, 2012

"poem" broadside #309: untitled, by Amanda Earl

each with a frozen brief glow I only half regret
Phil Hall, An Oak Hunch, IV Gang Plank, p. 66

i wear my limbo white & the property
of snow is light. to unburden.

i don't know if i begged or prayed
i hear it as a whisper, a song, a hum

as darkness comes. i leave the light on.
wait for the glistening reprieve

of flakes i take on the tongue to chill
the heat my body remembers.

dear ghost, i am sorry i left you behind
the gauze curtain on the stairs,

your hand outstretched...
do i regret not touching your hand?

i am still afraid sometimes

by Amanda Earl
above/ground press broadside #309
Amanda Earl's poems appear most recently or are forthcoming in Sunfish Journal (UK), Spirits Magazine, University Northwest (USA), unarmed (USA), filling Station (Calgary, AB) and SCRIPTjr.nl (USA). Her chapbooks have been published by above/ground press (Ottawa, ON), Avantacular Press (USA), Book Thug (Toronto, ON), chapbookpublisher (USA), and Laurel Reed Books (Mt. Pleasant, ON), with visual poetry somehow appearing in exhibits in Moscow & Windsor. Amanda is the managing editor of Bywords.ca and the Bywords Quarterly Journal, and the (fallen) angel of AngelHousePress. Follow Amanda on Twitter @KikiFolle or read about her shenanigans & jiggerypockery at www.amandaearl.com. This untitled poem is in homage to the poet Phil Hall whose work continues to offer solace to the anguished & the battle scarred/weary.

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