birthday, above/ground press!
In case you hadn’t heard, today is the TWENTY-NINTH ANNIVERSARY
OF CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION for above/ground press (which has now
achieved 1,200 publications to date) and to celebrate such, I thought, why not
offer a huge summer sale? (I mean, people love those, right?)
(plus shipping) for any eight 2021/2022 titles! Or, if you are feeling
particularly brave, $40 for any ten 2021/2022 titles! (until September 1, 2022!
options including plenty of 2022 titles so far: Report from the (Cameron) Anstee
Society Vol. 1 No. 1 ; Reading The Great Classics Of Canlit through Book
5 of bpNichol’s The Martyrology, by Grant Wilkins ; Natural Man, by N.W.
Lea ; Silts, by Jed Munson ; AN ENVELOPE FOR SILENCE: Some Short
Fiction 1977-1989, by David Miller ; looping climate, by Matthew
Gwathmey ; Report from the (Monty) Reid Society Vol. 1 No. 1 ; In
the shadows, by Michael Boughn ; west coast shorts, by Laura Kelsey
; English Garden Bondage, by Russell Carisse ; In-Between, Poetry by
Saba Pakdel, a non-corresponding bilingual English/Persian collection ; Tomorrow’s
Going to Be Bright, by Jérôme Melançon ; G U E S T [a journal of guest
editors] #23 : edited by David Dowker : with new work by Nicole Raziya
Fong, Lisa Robertson, ryan fitzpatrick, Catriona Strang, Allegra Sloman, Nikki
Sheppy, Fenn Stewart, Pete Smith and Christine Stewart ; Report from the
(Elizabeth) Robinson Society, Vol. 1 No. 1 ; Divination, by Marita
Dachsel ; Andante: Scales and Proportions for a Chemical Orchestra Amid
the Fraying Social Norms, by Anne Tardos ; Okay?, by Lori Anderson
Moseman ; Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #33 : with new
work by Howie Good, Jérôme Melançon, Genevieve Kaplan, Cecilia Stuart, ryan
fitzpatrick, Benjamin Niespodziany, Maw Shein Win, Margo LaPierre, Sarah Pinder
and Michael Boughn ; Report from the (Kate) Siklosi Society, Vol. 1 No.
FUNDAMENTS, pomes by MLA CHERNOFF ; Visions of Bolaño, by Wade Bell ;
pandemic friendship, by Joanne Arnott ; G U E S T [a journal of guest
editors] #22 : edited by Kyle Flemmer : with new work by Leslie Joy Ahenda,
Jake Byrne, Cobra Collins, nathan dueck, Kyle Flemmer, Helen Hajnozcky,
Samantha Jones, Jun-long Lee, Shazia Hafiz Ramji, Helen Robertson, Ben
Robinson, Eric Schmaltz, Cristalle Smith and Kevin Stebner ; ELEGIES, by Rob
Manery ; 3¢ Pulp, by Lillian Nećakov ; Report from the (Stuart)
Ross Society Vol 1. No. 1 ; Report from the (Amanda) Earl Society
Vol 1. No. 1 ; THE BEFORE, an excerpt from Welcome to Upper Zygonia, by
Amanda Earl ; G U E S T [a journal of guest editors] #20 : produced also
as CASTLE GRAYSKULL 1.5, directed by Skeletor edited by Micah Ballard and
Garrett Caples : with new work by Colter Jacobsen (as Teela), Anne Waldman,
Brian Lucas, Carrie Hunter, Roberto Harrison, Neeli Cherkovski, Raymond Foye
and Bob Flanagan, Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta, Tamas Panitz and Gregory Corso ; Report
from the (Stephen) Brockwell Society Vol 1. No. 1 ; ECO BLUES: A tale in
3 parts, by Karl Jirgens ; Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #32
: with new work by Carrie Hunter, Emily Brandt, Lillian Necakov, David Buuck,
Hugh Thomas and Nate Logan ; DISSECTIONS, df parizeau ; aversions // nothing special, by Wanda Praamsma ; RESIDUE,
by Lydia Unsworth ; Kid Stigmata, by Michael Schuffler ; Calling
to the Sun: Poems for Isabella Wang, edited by Stephen Collis : with
contributions by: Manahil Bandukwala, Otoniya J. Okot Bitek, Yvonne Blomer,
Stephen Collis, Zoe Dagneault, Diana Hayes, Erica Hiroko Isomura, Fiona Tinwei
Lam, Jen Sookfong Lee, Natalie Lim, Tanis MacDonald, rob mclennan, Hasan Namir,
Chimedum Ohaegbu, Tolu Oloruntoba, Arleen Paré and Rob Taylor ; Autobiography,
by rob mclennan ; Small Print, by Natalie Simpson ; Apricot, by
Nate Logan ;

well as the plethora of 2021 chapbook titles: 13 more songs the radio won’t play …, by Stan Rogal ;
Microbial Soup Kiss, by Sean Braune and Émilie Dionne ; The 66,512,
by Urië V-J (James Yeary) ; Fire and Flood: Enacting Rehearsal as
Performance, by Sarah Rosenthal ; So/I, by Andy Weaver ; oh the
iffy night, by Simon Brown ; Yesterday’s Tigers, by Mayan Godmaire ; A Wolf Lake
Chorus, by Phil Hall ; how
to count to ten, by Kevin Varrone ; Whatever Feels Like Home, by Susan
Rukeyser ; G o n e S o u t h, by Barry McKinnon ; The
Northerners, by Benjamin Niespodziany ; THE TRAVELING WILBURYS
COLLECTION, by Ken Norris ; W / \ S H: INITIAL CONTACT, by Terri Witek
and Amaranth Borsuk ; Hotels, by George Bowering ; Touch the
Donkey [a small poetry journal] #31 : with new poems by Brandon Brown,
Rusty Morrison, Yoyo Comay, Stephen Brockwell, Melissa Eleftherion, Sue
Bracken, Valerie Witte and Jessi MacEachern ; G U E S T [a journal of guest
editors] #19 : edited by Pearl Pirie : with new work by Cameron Anstee,
Claudia Radmore, Lana Crossman, Rae Armantrout, Maxianne Berger, Rick Black,
Charlotte Jung, Louisa Howerow, Anna Yin, Philomene Kocher, David Groulx, Monty
Reid, Rob Taylor, Hifsa Ashraf, Geof Huth, Allison Chisholm, Michael Fraser,
Phil Hall, Michael e. Casteels, Rich Schnell, Michael Dylan Welch, Janick
Belleau, Sacha Archer and Chuck Brickley ; STRAY DOG CAFÉ, by Ken Norris
“BOY” IN A WILDERNESS OF SONG, by Gary Barwin ; Never Have I Ever, by
Emily Izsak ; Mushrooms Yearly Planner, by Jen Tynes ; G U E S T
[a journal of guest editors] #18 : edited by Melissa Eleftherion : with new
work by Caroline Goodwin, Nancy Chen Long, Elise Ficarra, Brenda Iijima,
Florencia Milito, Saba Syed Razvi, Aileen Cassinetto, Zoe Tuck and Kim Shuck ; Listening
Through the Body: An Exercise in Sustained Coordination, by Valerie Witte ;
From Each Forthcoming, by Robert Hogg ; the girl arrived, by Ken
Sparling ; Television Poems, by Jessi MacEachern ; small
colossus, by Nathan Alexander Moore ; Study, by Katie Naughton ; Do
You Ever Think of Me?, by Summer Brenner ; Ordinary Annals, by Monica
Mody ; The End of Lake Superior, by Kōan Anne Brink ; TWETWE, an
alt-text pandemoir, by Gregory Betts ; HAWAIIAN SUNRISE, by Ken Norris ;
Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #30 : with new poems by Dana
Teen Lomax, Amanda Auerbach, Jay Millar, Cat Tyc, IAN MARTIN, Paige Carabello,
Emma Tilley and Jack Jung ; Boing, Extinction VS Wow! Signal, Michael
Sikkema ; SOME OF THE PUZZLES, by M.A.C. Farrant ; G U E S T [a
journal of guest editors] #17, edited by Melanie Dennis Unrau : with new
work by Yvonne Blomer, Kiran Malik-Khan, Peter Christensen, K.B. Thors,
Nicholas Molbert, Rina Garcia Chua, Tawahum Bige, Julia Spicher Kasdorf, David
Martin, Ross Belot, Bola Opaleke, Adam Dickinson, Lindsay Bird, Kelly Shepherd,
Maya Weeks,Lisa Mulrooney, Rita Wong ; WORM HOLES, After Cao Fei’s La Town, by Jamie
Townsend ; In the Museum, by Conor Mc Donnell ; Kid Commitment
Proves Them Wrong, by Adam Thomlison ; Retrofit Me, by Alyssa Bridgman
; Labour Day, by James Lindsay ; SOME OTHER DAYS AND NIGHTS, by David
Miller ; The Breakers (Expanded), by Amish Trivedi ; that i want,
by Ava Hofmann ; Knife with Oral Greed, by JoAnna Novak ; I am a
language you are the sound device, by Sandra Moussempès translated by Eléna
Rivera ; Clinging & Grasping, by Franklin Bruno ; a grain of
sand, Photograph by Julya Hajnoczky Poem by Helen Hajnoczky ; Touch the
Donkey [a small poetry journal] #29 : with new poems by Bill Carty, Michael
Turner, Nina Vega-Westhoff, Sarah Alcaide-Escue, Colby Clair Stolson, Robert
Hogg, Elizabeth Robinson, Tom Prime and Simina Banu ; a journal of the
plague year, by Edward Smallfield ; still life with elegy, by Valerie
Coulton ; The Hotdog Variations, by James Hawes ; The Great
Beauty, by Anik See ; Chronotope, by David Dowker ; zero dawn, by
Shelly Harder ; buttons & bones, by Alexander Joseph ; a
field guide to fanciful bugs, by Amanda Earl ; OCCUPATIONAL ELEGIES,
Joseph Mosconi ; Moonbathing in Al Faiyūm, by Brenda Iijima ; Transmissions
from the Crawdad Constellation, by Michael Sikkema ; OFF THE RESTING
SEA, by Al Kratz ; THE OCEANDWELLER, by Saeed Tavanaee Marvi, translated
by Khashayar Mohammadi ; Bridge and burn, by Jason Christie ; micro
moonlights, by katie o'brien ; Less Dream, by N.W. Lea ; Touch
the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #28 : with new poems by MLA Chernoff,
Geoffrey Olsen, Douglas Barbour, Hamish Ballantyne, JoAnna Novak, Allyson Paty
and Lisa Fishman ; Geometric Mantra, by Andrew Brenza ; and The
Universe in an Earth-Shaped Urn, by Amish Trivedi ;

some one hundred and twenty titles! This
list obviously includes issues of the quarterly Touch the Donkey [a small poetry journal], the occasional and guest-edited G U E S T [a
journal of guest editors], the Report from the Society festschrift titles, and chapbooks in the above/ground press prose/naut
series; all titles available while supplies last (like, obviously), although
everything listed above is (at this point of writing, at least) all still very
much in print; and you know I’m also completely open to backdating a 2022
above/ground press subscription, yes? I mean, that's a pretty remarkable
To order, send
cheques (as well as your list of preferred titles; add $3 for postage; in US,
add $5; outside North America, add $11) to: rob mclennan, 2423 Alta Vista Drive,
Ottawa ON K1H 7M9. E-transfer or PayPal at at rob_mclennan (at) hotmail.com or
the PayPal button at www.robmclennan.blogspot.com
with numerous rarities/backlist titles still available as well! And you remember we still have a handful of t-shirts, right? And those 25th anniversary broadsides?
with further forthcoming
2022 titles by Lindsey Webb, Jason Heroux, Nick Chhoeun, Grant Wilkins, Isabel
Sobral Campos, Mark Scroggins, Laura Walker, Adrienne Adams, Jordan Davis,
Jason Christie, Geoffrey Nilson, Andrew Gorin, Lori Anderson Moseman, Melissa
Spohr Weiss, Marita Dachsel, Stuart Ross, Genevieve Kaplan, Christopher Patton,
Angela Caporaso, Isabella Wang (among others, of course) and Sara Lefsyk’s
guest-edited issue of G U E S T [a journal of guest editors]! Oh, and Touch
the Donkey [a small poetry journal] #34 lands next week as well!
and while we, at above/ground
press world headquarters, otherwise known as above/ground press print
and digital poetry solutions, know that we are living in unprecedented
times, what choice have we but to persevere, and move forward? while being
attentive to physical safety, hand-washing and mental stability as best as
possible. we wish you all continued health and safety, please! we will still be
here, even through the disruptions, attempting to produce new books, journals
and broadsides as best as we are able (and in the meantime, of course, check
out the online extension of above/ground: periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics). And
who knows, we might even be able to re-start both The Factory Reading Series
and the semi-annual ottawa small press book fair this fall? Maybe? And next
year, we’ll have a huge event to celebrate THIRTY YEARS (with a ‘best of the
third decade’ anthology as well, to appear in fall 2023 with Invisible Publishing.
That will be pretty cool,