damascene road passaggio, selections
by Wanda O’Connor

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy
Wanda O'Connor is a graduate of Concordia’s Creative Writing and Classics programs, and most recently completed an MA in Literature with a considerable focus on Robin Blaser’s stunning carmen perpetuum. damascene road passaggio, selections is an excursus through transitions of semi-tones and silence, possessing no address nor addressee nor gaze nor superior flattery. Wanda is currently at work on a long poem manuscript and is an editor at Lemon Hound.
O’Connor also has work in the new issue of The Peter F Yacht Club.
Wanda O’Connor will be launching damascene road passaggio, selections in Ottawa on March 28 at The Factory Reading Series, alongside Lauren Turner and Deborah Poe.
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