three poets hosted by above/ground press & the small press action network - ottawa (span-o);

lovingly hosted by rob mclennan
Friday, October 17, 2008
doors 7pm, readings 7:30
at The Carleton Tavern (upstairs)
233 Armstrong (at Parkdale, right by the Parkdale Market)
readings by
Jeanette Lynes (Antigonish NS)
Stephen Brockwell (Ottawa ON)
+ Christine McNair (Ottawa ON)
Jeanette Lynes' fourth collection of poetry, It's Hard Being Queen: The Dusty Springfield poems, has just been published by Freehand Books (2008); one poem from this collection can be heard live on you tube. Her fifth collection of poems, The New Blue Distance, will be published by Wolsak and Wynn in 2009 . Her fourth book of poems, The New Blue Distance, will be published by Wolsak and Wynn in 2008. A co-authored chapbook with Alison Calder will appear under the Jack Pine Books imprint in December, 2007. Jeanette has been a writer in residence at Saskatoon Public Library (2005-2006) and Northern Lights College (July, 2005). She is co-editor of The Antigonish Review, Poet Laureate of the Nova Scotia NDP (New Democratic Party), and an Associate Professor of English and Women's Studies at St. Francis Xavier University.
Stephen Brockwell lives in Ottawa. He is the author of The Wire in Fences, The Cometology (ECW Press, 2001), Fruit Fly Geographic (ECW Press, 2004) and The Real Made Up (ECW Press, 2007). He has written reviews and articles for The Danforth Review, Rubicon and Books in Canada. Recent work has appeared in Arc, Prairie Fire, the Fiddlehead, the Antigonish Review, and Queen St Quarterly.
Christine McNair's work has appeared in The Antigonish Review, fireweed and Misunderstandings, as well as a recent above/ground press broadside. She won an honourable mention in the Eden Mills Literary Competition and second prize (poetry) in the 27th Atlantic Writing Competition. Her first publication was in a ninth grade English textbook. She apologises profusely to any students traumatised by her story or by the inane English class questions which were appended. She tries to pay the bills working as a book conservator in Ottawa.
info: rob mclennan at 613 239 0337 or az421 (at) freenet (dot) carleton (dot) ca
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