Friday, March 21, 2025

new from above/ground press: Teenage Whales, by Eileen Myles

Eileen Myles
Teenage Whales

the birds
the diamonds
the reddish
of my knee
Honey’s heh heh
that shakes
her belly &
her back
it catches
in the back
of her
goes the child
we want
to go
what the fuck
are you
doing here
with your
children &
a black
duck dips
his head
a wave
is gone

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
as part of the author’s participation in VERSeFest
March 2025
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

cover illustration by the author

Eileen Myles is a poet, novelist and art journalist. Their latest books are a “Working Life” and Pathetic Literature. They are currently at it on a very long novel, out in ‘27, maybe. They live in NYC & Marfa TX.

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