Tuesday, July 23, 2024

new from above/ground press: Small Consonants, by Gil McElroy

Gil McElroy
Small Consonants


Basic as the game of power, trembling in the weeds.
I want a base & constitutive image.
It keeps but showing a man (sic).
It keeps but that level.
It keeps but drawing figures of a science.
The point is fraught with variables.
Ignore those battles beyond.
Instead, recoil back into amnesia, the empty houses of memory.

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
July 2024
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Gil McElroy currently lives in North Bay, Ontario. He’s published five books of poetry (most recently Long Division with the University of Calgary Press), a collection of his writings on contemporary visual art, and a memoir of growing up a military brat during the Cold War.

This is Gil McElroy’s tenth above/ground press title, following “Echolocations” (½ of STANZAS #5, April 1995), Some Julian Days (1999), “Meteor Showers” (STANZAS #31, 2002), (The Work of Art) In the Age of Mechanical Reproduction (2005), Twentieth (2013), The Doxologies (2014), LAOS (Some Julian Days) (2018), Some Julian Days: Twentieth Anniversary Edition (2019) and Cartesian Wells (2023). He also had a poem in the above/ground press twenty-fifth anniversary broadside series (2018).

[Gil McElroy will be launching Small Consonants on August 10 as part of the above/ground press 31st anniversary reading, alongside Mahaila Smith, Carlos A. Pittella, Chris Banks, Pearl Pirie and Shane Rhodes; tickets available here]

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