Friday, September 27, 2024

new from above/ground press: To Assemble an Absence, by John Levy

To Assemble an Absence
John Levy

Raining in Tucson

Rain fills the hollow toys in the front yard of former friends. That was years ago, when they weren't former friends. That rain has been distributed now, by processes that existed long before toys and our lives, distributed far beyond Tucson, beyond Arizona. Maybe some of the rainwater in the plastic dump truck, for instance, has joined the ocean off the coast of Madagascar, near Sambava. I can still see the faded yellow plastic of the dump truck's bed, near the dull red of the cab. That toy is surely in a landfill now. Buried deep, never again something a raindrop hits first.

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
September 2024
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Cover photo: John Levy

John Levy lives in Tucson, Arizona with the painter Leslie Buchanan. He has published eight books of poetry and prose, plus 15 chapbooks. His most recent book is 54 poems: selected & new (Shearsman Books, 2023) and his most recent chapbook is Guest Book for People in My Dreams (Proper Tales Press).

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