Thursday, May 16, 2024

new from above/ground press: Un-Composed, Poetry by Saba Pakdel

Poetry by Saba Pakdel

                  —For Woman, Life, Freedom

an inability
an unwillingness
to forget
                cannot up-roots
that I exist
cannot un-remember
my pain-bodied mother(land)

her hair

              every morning
              fall over my shoulders
that I carry
continue her being
the being

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
May 2024
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Saba Pakdel
is a poet, migration literature scholar, and PhD candidate in the English department at the University of Victoria. She specializes in migration studies and climate refugees with a focus on contemporary literature, exploring the experience of mobility, displacement, and climate crises.

This is Pakdel's second above/ground press title, after In-Between (2022)

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