Friday, May 10, 2024

new from above/ground press: Family Chronicles from Muffin Land, by Hope Anderson

Family Chronicles from Muffin Land
Hope Anderson

For Kobi, my son

We released fighter kites into clouds
Shimmying tails disguised dangerous blades
Beat the air, unleashed against real
Not so real goliaths.
Downcast Bigfoot sleepily retreats
Into deep, deep foam
Saddened to be uncovered
Neither man nor beast
This is how we discover the secrets
Of Muffin Land,
Father and son sometimes vainly
Troll upstream, still relentless
Propelled perhaps, by ancestral dream
Around go cart tracks, once more you ask
As if no clock nor meter
In this promised universe
And we spies, weightless astronauts
Insistent on a good report
published in Ottawa by above/ground press
May 2024
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Cover Image generated by Deja Anderson using AI tool, ChatGPT-4, 20 February 2024.

Hope Anderson is a writer and editor based in Victoria, BC. In the Fall 2023, The Capilano Review published an extensive folio featuring an interview with Wayde Compton and a selection of poems, both previously published and new. Hope is the author of the poetry collection Slips From Grace (Coach House Press, 1987), and with David Phillips, a co-editor of the anthology of BC poets, The Body (Tatlow House, 1979). He is currently working on two book-length projects.

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