Nate Logan
Any Major Dude Will Tell You
“The crossover episode is never a bad idea. Meredith got sent to jail for lopping off Dave’s head. I don’t think that word properly denotes the severity of the action. Lop. I’ve got a bar of silver at home collecting dust. After the first day, I knew a philosophy major wasn’t for me (the ethics of revenge). 3-D is overrated and everyone loves it. Believing in nonsense is the same as believing in a car bomb. A workout headband says a lot about a person. Lawnmowers are properly rated. Clu Gulager invented the backflip and demolition derby. Foreshadowing never works out in real life. This ham is too salty.”
published in Ottawa by above/ground press
January 2022
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy
cover art: Joanna C. Valente
Nate Logan is the author of Inside the Golden Days of Missing You (Magic Helicopter Press, 2019).
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