Tuesday, February 20, 2018

new from above/ground press: SEARCHING FOR A SPECIES, by Eleni Zisimatos

Eleni Zisimatos

In looking for a species, we search
Dimensions, like April or noon, and
Then we don’t find the certain
Ectoplasm or little being who looks like us
And we hate with such sincerity

That the fall from Eden looks like child’s play
That snake, so certain of itself, the monkey that
Came after from the loins of Adam

A mistake. We are small creatures, after all,
We only needed the wine, the dance
Of nightshade
Or Dionysus with the spear he stole
From Poseidon, what a mass of nothingness
The grapes, the tenor of craziness
In this, our planet

published in Ottawa by above/ground press
February 2018
celebrating twenty-five years of above/ground press
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy

Eleni Zisimatos
, born and raised in Montreal, writes about loss and injustice when she is not editing Vallum Magazine. She has been short-listed for several awards, including a National Magazine Award. www.vallummag.com

This is Zisimatos’ second above/ground press title after summations : travels through Italy, produced as STANZAS magazine, volume 1, issue #27 (April 2001).

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