point on a point; discuss,
map of scatter, eyes
broadsheet about,
Toronto Star, the Hemingway in you
pinwheels, skipper, sailing ships
talk like a pirate day,
your birthday,
felt no sun,
Yonge + Queen’s Quay govern,
nothing else disturbs,
distillery, grandstand
, emphasis against
the year has been, unequal
to place facts squared
or squarely, in a book
shape of a (shifting) harbour,
16 Yongepublished in Ottawa by above/ground press
by rob mclennan
in an edition of 200 copies, August 2010
a/g subscribers receive a complimentary copy
to order, send cheques (add $1 for postage; outside Canada, $2) c/o rob mclennan, 858 Somerset Street West, main floor, Ottawa ON K1R 6R7
Born in Ottawa, Canada’s glorious capital city, rob mclennan currently lives in Ottawa. The author of more than twenty trade books of poetry, fiction and non-fiction, his most recent titles are the poetry collections Glengarry (2011), wild horses (2010) and kate street (2010) and a second novel, missing persons (2009), An editor and publisher, he runs above/ground press, Chaudiere Books (with Jennifer Mulligan), The Garneau Review (ottawater.com/garneaureview), seventeen seconds: a journal of poetry and poetics (ottawater.com/seventeenseconds) and the Ottawa poetry pdf annual ottawater (ottawater.com). He spent the 2007-8 academic year in Edmonton as writer-in-residence at the University of Alberta, and expects to spend much of the next year in Toronto. He regularly posts reviews, essays, interviews and other notices at robmclennan.blogspot.com
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